03 March 2025


Selecting Interviews from the left hand menu takes you to the Interviews page. From here you can mange interviews for your applications.

You can view and cancel existing interviews, and book new interviews.

Existing interviews can be found under Scheduled Interviews.

If you have been offered and interview and need to book it. It is shown underneath Bookable Interviews.

Cancel an Interview

If you are unable to make an interview you can cancel it by selecting the description of the interview, such as Interview for Application 29973 - Y2024 (24/25).

Then, on the interview details screen, check the details of the interview. Once you are sure you are cancelling the correct interview, select Cancel.

Book an Interview

To book an interview select Book next to the course you need to book an interview for.

Select a date and time that works for you, and confirm your choices.

Check that the details are correct in the Scheduled Interviews section.